Submit Your Prayer Request to Dr. Roger Sapp

The list below shows the most recent prayer requests. The first name of the person you are requesting prayer for should be seen below:

Requested ForSubmitted On
Denise WelchJuly 26, 2024
MichelleJuly 25, 2024
EthanJuly 25, 2024
DanaiJuly 25, 2024
MikeJuly 25, 2024
meJuly 24, 2024
GeorgeJuly 24, 2024
JenniferJuly 24, 2024
AliceJuly 24, 2024
JoshuaJuly 24, 2024
CourtneyJuly 24, 2024
ElissaJuly 20, 2024
DanielJuly 20, 2024
RykerJuly 20, 2024
BeckyJuly 19, 2024
EileenJuly 19, 2024
myselfJuly 18, 2024
selfJuly 17, 2024
AshwineeJuly 17, 2024
Paul and RosaryJuly 16, 2024
NathalieJuly 16, 2024
Rok (me)July 16, 2024
selfJuly 15, 2024
Maghari ka AlbumJuly 15, 2024
MyselfJuly 14, 2024
Kathleen (myself)July 14, 2024
JuliJuly 14, 2024
Hannah, Corey, Levi and Micah.July 14, 2024
LucaJuly 13, 2024
SteveJuly 13, 2024
IsabellaJuly 13, 2024
JosephJuly 13, 2024
JoeJuly 13, 2024
JenniferJuly 13, 2024
Mary LouiseJuly 13, 2024
JoeJuly 13, 2024
AlexanderJuly 12, 2024
KylieJuly 12, 2024
SandieJuly 11, 2024
lisaJuly 9, 2024
LinaJuly 8, 2024
LeslieJuly 8, 2024
Mike, my sonJuly 8, 2024
CharlesJuly 8, 2024
MarilynJuly 8, 2024
ElainaJuly 6, 2024
ChristineJuly 5, 2024
Jim Dunham (me)July 5, 2024

Denise Welch

Michelle Livengood
My mom had a colonoscopy today and then passed away a few hours after. I believe she is only sleeping and will not die but live. Please command that she lives and is healed


Michelle Kelly
Please pray for financial income. I have two small businesses that are not making any money at the moment. Thank you.


Ethan Kimalat
Autism strong bones Seizures speech


Danai Kimalat
strong bones, joints restored. Eyes to see clearly. Teeth healed. Systems/organs to function well all hormones balanced. Numbness to go from body. Bladder work well.


Mike Daniel
I need prayer for my liver to be healed and my body to be restored


loic makila
sorry to get back to you like that but it’s the only way you can see my message. I purchased an ebook from your website but have not from your website but have not yet received it. I would appreciate


Michelle Martini
Not sleeping well, fatigue, overall not feeling well. Heart stops beating for a second. Will become bloated and in severe cramping after eating.


Jennifer Cvammen
Liver injury unknown cause, facial and ovarian damage


Joshua Felix
Healing and deliverance from witchcraft and demonic operations.


Joshua Felix
God intervention for success and excellence performance during oral interview for a lecturing job, College of Nursing Sciences.


Michelle Schenetzki
Courtney has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, she is 35 yrs old with two small children. Her husband works with me , he is a detective.


Elissa Campbell
contacted Lyme’s disease from a tick bite . neck and back issues from 2 bad car wrecks~


Daniel Pier
Healing from damage to nervous system and liver, deliverance, thank you


Keely Shields
Our 11 years old son needs deliverance from fear that, in his words, is tormenting him.


Becky Zale
Complications from nursing. Please pray for no infection and issue to clear immediately. Also dealing with a different long term infection and complications from nursing. Please pray to clear ASAP.


Eileen Brennan
body heal so can lose weight, organs in place & wk, eyes wk together & good eyesight, new teeth


Mari Grace Reyes
have watched pstr Roger healing videos pls pray that i can administer healing in Jesus name many dont have money to spend for hospital


Emily shaw
high blood pressure, don’t want to take meds anymore


Sabrina anon
Prayers please for my moms kidneys to be healed

Paul and Rosary

Hannie Pailago
Financial breakthrough for my parents, Debt free life, Unity in marriage, Good health, more souls to know Jesus through their life and ministry.


Jean Msabila
Pray for baby Nathalie (an Infant) heal from head to toe. Pray for her recovery of brain , heart, bones, feeding without using tubes. Being able to breathe without

Rok (me)

Rok zimet
I have a lung infection, I can’t breathe properly and I caugh a lot.


Emily shaw
middle back pain

Maghari ka Album

Hannie Pailago
Our team is recording an album, may the listeners be saved, healed, and delivered. May the team never lose focus on Jesus Christ, that as we go to places, it’s only JESUS be glorified. More souls.


Vananda Arena
I have sharp throat pain which i suspect is a fish bone stuck in my throat. I don’t want to go to the doctor’s and have faith that God will remove it

Kathleen (myself)

Kathleen Hanson
Larypharyngeal (silent) acid reflux affecting throat and sinuses; facial and ocular rosacea (stinging/flushing of eyes and skin); sensitivities to gluten, dairy, acidic foods (aggravates conditions)


Paul Demer
Continued healing of some serious cognitive issues and reveal areas of doubt and unbelief. To be restored beyond her former glory.

Hannah, Corey, Levi and Micah.

Jackie Santiago
My daughter Hannah just had an affair and now wants to leave her husband Corey. They have 2 children, Levi and Micah. She is saying she has to do what is best for her. And is leaving God out of it.


Julie Sandrella
Praise God my son is doing better! God is our Healer! Now pray that his arm stays pain free and recovers quickly after starting to pitch again! thank you!


Steve Stanley
Healing for my retracted gum and related tooth cavity please. Many thanks!


Laura Boaz
Bella is having a histamine reaction to mold in our home. We need to move asap.


Joseph Boaz
I need to be set free from demons that oppress me daily. Epilepsy, seizures and others. They say their names.


Joe Hartup
Injured right elbow at work. Strained muscle or tendon. Damaged it months ago with no relief so far


Jennifer Cvammen
Facial damage, ovarian damage, insomnia, liver dysfunction, melanoma

Mary Louise

Mary Clark
My blood pressure has been high (187/115). I am having a lot of anxiety and feeling light-headed. My mind seems to be confused at times and bouts of forgetfulness.


Joe Hartup
Injured right elbow at work. Strained muscle or tendon. Damaged it months ago with no relief so far


Maria Arlin Go
healing of my husband from CKD, creative miracle of his kidneys, all his blood components to be normal( creatinine, uric acid,potassium


Kylie Ruhl
Requested prayer a few weeks ago for ovary …from what I can tell the cyst/mass is smaller but not gone…some stomach issues have surfaced also


Alli hancock
just diagnosed with cancer


Lisa Smith
I need help with anxiety depression panic attacks agrophobic and a mouthful of broken painful teeth dental phobia


Vananda Arena
That her blood pressure returns to normal levels. She is also feeling weak and unwell and having hot flashes but we are unsure of the root cause. Thank you


Leslie Boyt
I’ve had breast cancer and believed that I would be healed by faith. Years went by and I realized I wasn’t in faith but filled with a lot of information about it. I felt ashamed and condemned, and now

Mike, my son

Di Moore
5 polyps removed from rectum, blockage in large bowel seen on CT scan


Charles Barchuk
Healing for anxiety and high blood pressure


Marilyn Yeo
Please pray for painful gums, pain all over body, anxiety and depression.


Elaina Millar
Bladder, cervical, abdominal pain / infection


Christine Judd
Healing of gallbladder and liver

Jim Dunham (me)

Jim Dunham
Miracle healing of cerebral palsy; weakness in legs and low back – straighten legs out.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.