$33.00 value for $24.99 or eBooks for $8.99. Christ-centered exploration of what the New Testament teaches on finances. Titles: Radical Trust in God for Finances, Miracles, Money, & Motives, The Children are Free.
5 hours of Christ centered teaching on finances on 4 audio CDs. Comes with 8.5 by 11 inches 37 page booklet that follows the teaching. This is not the shallow “give to get” teaching that is heard in many churches. It challenges many of the traditional ways of thinking about finances with the words of Jesus Christ and His apostles.
by Dr. Roger Sapp, $54 value for $40. 2 healing books. "Performing Miracles & Healing", "Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt" and the 3 "Paid in Full" financial books.
Ebook. Free. Dr. Roger Sapp discusses an early church document, the "Didache", that has rules for determining the behavior of traveling ministry especially toward obtaining money. This document has applications for Christians today. 2 pages.
Three books that expose tithing as a false teaching. Two books from Roger Sapp: "The Children are Free" and "Take the Tithing Test". One book from Matthew Narramore: "Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete and Defunct". A $30 value for $24.95.
Roger Sapp, in an interview, shares how the Lord changed his understanding of stewardship and caused him to begin to prosper after more than 20 years of financial struggle practicing what the Church had taught him. This is not a "prosperity teaching".
First Book of 3 Book Set "Paid in Full Series" on Biblical Finances. Reviews the concept of stewardship and the radical and often untaught message of Jesus Christ about money, property and wealth.
10 true/false questions and comprehensive answers on tithing. Exposes the many misconceptions and errors that have been frequently taught concerning tithing. Inexpensive way to help your friends think about the tithing teaching. Also includes quotes from past and present leaders of the Church concerning tithing.
Book 3 of the "Paid in Full" Financial Series. A detailed, Christ-centered, study of the theology and practice of the ongoing tithing of a Christian's income. Very popular.
150 page book by Matthew Narramore. In this book you will find a thorough, scriptural study of tithing as it relates to born-again Christians, who have entered the new and glorious spiritual life of being sons of God through Jesus Christ.