$33.00 value for $24.99 or eBooks for $8.99. Christ-centered exploration of what the New Testament teaches on finances. Titles: Radical Trust in God for Finances, Miracles, Money, & Motives, The Children are Free.
by Roger Sapp. Faith for Healing by Removing Doubts. Explores the most common doubts that prevent people from coming to Jesus Christ in child-like faith that receives healing.(94 pages) You can purchase the Kindle version of this book by CLICKING HERE
by Dr. Roger Sapp, $54 value for $40. 2 healing books. "Performing Miracles & Healing", "Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt" and the 3 "Paid in Full" financial books.
Three books that expose tithing as a false teaching. Two books from Roger Sapp: "The Children are Free" and "Take the Tithing Test". One book from Matthew Narramore: "Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete and Defunct". A $30 value for $24.95.
Subtitle: "Confronting the Error that Jesus Christ Taught the Law of Moses Rather than Grace". One of the most serious and widespread misunderstandings of Jesus Christ is that He was "under the Law" and promoting the Law of Moses during His three years of earthly ministry. This error is...
This is the second in a series of books that are devoted to helping Christians know that they can trust the eternal words of Jesus Christ in all matters. This book reveals the teaching of Jesus Christ about repentance from sin both before and after His...
This is the third book in a series of books - Grace in the Gospels - that reviews the popular but erroneous teaching that is being called Hyper-Grace. This book reviews two related main points in that teaching. The first point is that if a believer is aware of...
This is Part One of a series of books that examine the relationship of Christians to those who are involved in witchcraft and other forms of occultism. This booklet reveals the fearless attitude of the Apostles as they encountered witches and others involved with occultic practices in the First Century. It encourages believers today to reject unbiblical fears and adopt…
Subtitle: A Biblical Guide to Developing a Christ-Like Supernatural Ministry. Is healing and miracle ministry generally unreliable, unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious to you? What prevents you from healing the sick and performing miracles consistently like the Savior and His disciples? The author of this book reveals...
First Book of 3 Book Set "Paid in Full Series" on Biblical Finances. Reviews the concept of stewardship and the radical and often untaught message of Jesus Christ about money, property and wealth.