These playing cards have 104 Christ Centered verses, meditations and confessions concerning healing. They are designed to move Christians from intellectual acceptance that God heals to simple and personal faith in Christ as their Healer. Use them to teach children about Christ as you play cards with them. Refresh and strengthen your own faith by playing solitaire. Get them as…
These playing cards have 104 Christ centered verses, meditations and confessions concerning our identity in Christ. They are designed to help Christians develop a strong self image based on who they are in Christ. Teach your children important New Testament truths as you play cards with them. Use them to encourage yourself in the Lord by playing solitaire. Give them…
Subtitle: The Secret of Walking in the Power of the Spirit. Jesus Christ and His apostles teach repeatedly in the New Testament that there are only two possible ways to live. The first is described such as "walking in the Spirit" and many other similar phrases. The second is described as "walking in the flesh" and also with...
Subtitle: A Biblical Guide to Developing a Christ-Like Supernatural Ministry. Is healing and miracle ministry generally unreliable, unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious to you? What prevents you from healing the sick and performing miracles consistently like the Savior and His disciples? The author of this book reveals...
Discusses how the Lord used Roger Sapp's meditation on Christ in the New Testament to receive healing for himself and his wife Ann and move from only a few people healed each year to seeing tens of thousands of people healed.
eBook: Self-Study Course for Performing Miracles and Healing. Companion volume to the book Performing Miracles and Healing. Course contains more than 1,200...
These playing cards have 104 Christ centered verses meditation and confessions. They create a strong focus on Christ that will enable believers to live in the new nature empowered by the Holy Spirit.
This is a collection of 44 true stories of the grace of Jesus Christ. It contains stories of healings, miracles, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, divine guidance, divine dreams, and visions.