
Performing Miracles & Healing: Book


Subtitle: A Biblical Guide to Developing a Christ-Like Supernatural Ministry. Is healing and miracle ministry generally unreliable, unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious to you? What prevents you from healing the sick and performing miracles consistently like the Savior and His disciples? The author of this book reveals…

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Subtitle: A Biblical Guide to Developing a Christ-Like Supernatural Ministry. Is healing and miracle ministry generally unreliable, unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious to you? What prevents you from healing the sick and performing miracles consistently like the Savior and His disciples? The author of this book reveals how his ministry of healing became much more effective, predictable and reliable as the Holy Spirit adjusted him with the scriptural truths that he reveals in this book. As the author has preached these truths in his traveling ministry for more than two decades, tens of thousands have been healed as hundreds of believers have experienced the power of God working their first healing or miracle through them. More mature believers at these meetings have often developed a greater consistency in helping the suffering. There is no doubt that the readers of this book will be refreshed, adjusted, and strengthened in their faith in Christ. They will be more able to help many more suffering people and duplicate the Savior’s ministry.

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