Christ Reveals the Father in Healing: MP4 Download
Roger Sapp teaches the simple but life-changing concept of “Christ Reveals the Father”. When the Father is clearly seen through Jesus Christ, then faith for healing comes easily. This DVD has some visible demonstrations of healing on the stage at a large healing conference at the end.
Roger Sapp teaches the simple but life-changing concept of “Christ Reveals the Father”. When the Father is clearly seen through Jesus Christ, then faith for healing comes easily. This DVD has some visible demonstrations of healing on the stage at a large healing conference at the end.
This DVD contains perhaps one of the most important lessons, if not THE most important lesson of the entire New Testament. Study it diligently. The reason that the disciple Thomas gained the nickname “Doubting Thomas” is because he failed to grasp this very lesson. The reason the other disciples were able to operate in the miraculous is because they were able to grasp this lesson.