by Roger Sapp. Are Christians sometimes cursed? Does God curse His children? Can a witch successfully curse a Christian? Do generational curses need to be broken? Booklet answers these questions from the Bible. Booklet starts with 7 biblical facts about curses...
The New and Old Testaments both use wolves as a type to describe false ministry. Since modern society has less personal experience with wolves, Dr. Sapp looks at the well-known and less known but thoroughly researched characteristic of wolves to understand what exactly the inspired Scripture means by describing some ministers as "wolves." Believers should be equipped to recognize and…
Ebook. Free. Dr. Roger Sapp shares that when he first began traveling in healing ministry, his family at home would experience demonic assaults creating all sorts of problems for his wife while he was ministering in another location. The Lord gave him this simple and easy method of stopping these spiritual assaults on his family. 2 pages.
by Dr. Roger Sapp, $54 value for $40. 2 healing books. "Performing Miracles & Healing", "Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt" and the 3 "Paid in Full" financial books.
This is Part One of a series of books that examine the relationship of Christians to those who are involved in witchcraft and other forms of occultism. This booklet reveals the fearless attitude of the Apostles as they encountered witches and others involved with occultic practices in the First Century. It encourages believers today to reject unbiblical fears and adopt…
These playing cards have 104 Christ centered verses, meditations and confessions concerning our identity in Christ. They are designed to help Christians develop a strong self image based on who they are in Christ. Teach your children important New Testament truths as you play cards with them. Use them to encourage yourself in the Lord by playing solitaire. Give them…
Does the "correct name" for God and Jesus Christ really matter? A Brief History of the Bible, names in the Bible and the culture of the First Century Israel with a Discussion of the "Correct Name" Controversy.
Subtitle: The Secret of Walking in the Power of the Spirit. Jesus Christ and His apostles teach repeatedly in the New Testament that there are only two possible ways to live. The first is described such as "walking in the Spirit" and many other similar phrases. The second is described as "walking in the flesh" and also with...
As a result of the teaching of the 1070 cultic Shepherding Movements, many leaders today seek a covenant from those that they serve. Should Christians make covenant with each other or are they already in covenant with each other through the New Covenant? A detailed discussion of the negative consequences of believers making separate covenants with each other.
There are 3 doubts that prevent many Christians from receiving healing. They are misunderstandings of Paul's thorn, Job's sickness and God's sovereignty. This booklet explains the truth about each these so that they no longer create doubt and Christians can receive Christ the Healer with child-like faith.
Discusses how the Lord used Roger Sapp's meditation on Christ in the New Testament to receive healing for himself and his wife Ann and move from only a few people healed each year to seeing tens of thousands of people healed.
Subtitle: The Power of a Godly Submitted Wife Who is Not Frightened by Any Fear. Description: Fear has caused many Christian leaders to become silent about the New Testament's teaching about a wife's submission to her husband.
These playing cards have 104 Christ centered verses meditation and confessions. They create a strong focus on Christ that will enable believers to live in the new nature empowered by the Holy Spirit.
This booklet discussed when error seems like the truth. How is it that we can think we are following God, yet we are producing little to no fruit? This book discusses this issue.
A study of the apostolic ministry in the New Testament. Sold in 20 countries without advertising in its first year of publication. High content. 182 pages.
A Christ-centered analysis of the "vulnerability to curses" and "breaking curses" teaching and comparison with what the Bible says about curses. Dr. Sapp shows that this teaching and the resulting practices of breaking curses are not found in the teaching of Christ, His Apostles or any writer of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, there is no example of someone…