Christ Centered Healing Seminar


For individual study at home or with a group. Many receive a healing while listening. This set includes 6 hours of Dr. Sapp’s teaching on ministering and receiving healing and a booklet of a Seminar Notebook that follows the teaching. Printed notebooks /Extra download rights are available for ordering for a class situation.

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For individual study at home or with a group. Many receive a healing while listening. This set includes 6 hours of Dr. Sapp’s teaching on ministering and receiving healing and a booklet of a Seminar Notebook that follows the teaching. Printed notebooks /Extra download rights are available for ordering for a class situation.

PLEASE NOTE: There are 3 options to order on the drop down menu:

The first titled “digital download MP3 and PDF” is the entire seminar in a digital download format and includes MP3 downloads and a PDF notebook to go with the seminar.

The “printed notebook” includes simply a printed notebook by itself.

The “extra PDF notebook rights” allows you to purchase and distribute multiple copies of the PDF notebook.

Additional information

Weight0.23125 lbs

CD & Booklet, Digital Download MP3 & PDF, Extra Printed Notebook, Extra PDF Notebook Rights